Acupuncture Specialist
Lisa Meyerson Acupuncture
Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine located in Evanston, IL
Over the past several decades, Americans have discovered the impact that the ancient Chinese practice of acupuncture can have on physical, emotional, and mental health. If you’re suffering from an ailment of any sort, and you’re interested in a holistic answer, reach out to Lisa Meyerson Acupuncture in Evanston, Illinois. Lisa Meyerson, LAc, cares for her patients with energy, compassion, and experience. See how acupuncture can open your life by scheduling a consultation online or over the phone today.
Acupuncture Q & A
What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese health practice that involves the use of sterile needles. During an acupuncture session, practitioners place these needles in your skin at various acupuncture points.
The goal of acupuncture is to relieve pain, discomfort, and various emotional, behavioral, and physical health problems.
How does acupuncture work?
According to traditional Chinese medicine, the body has more than 2,000 acupuncture points, which connect with the meridians. Meridians are pathways that move like rivers and conduct energy, or qi, between the body’s organs and surfaces.
When a meridian becomes blocked, your qi can’t flow correctly, and your mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional health can suffer in various ways.
Traditional acupuncture, also known as five-element acupuncture, also operates on the concept that five universal elements (earth, wood, fire, water, and metal) affect your emotions, health, and personality. Everyone feels one element more powerfully than the others.
By inserting needles at carefully selected points, acupuncturists stimulate the flow in the blocked area and restore the balance of yin and yang in the body.
Western scientists have various theories on acupuncture. For example, some believe that it works by activating the central nervous system and causing it to release chemicals that either change how the body experiences pain or alter the body’s self-regulating system.
How can acupuncture help me?
At her practice, Lisa offers acupuncture therapy for countless ailments and conditions, including:
- Migraines and other headaches
- Lower back pain
- Neck pain
- Knee pain
- Osteoarthritis pain
- Respiratory issues
- Digestive problems
- Emotional and mental health struggles, such as anxiety and depression
Acupuncture can also help with things like addiction control, smoking cessation, chronic fatigue, and bladder dysfunction. Some patients even turn to acupuncture for help with allergy symptoms.
Does acupuncture hurt?
Typically, acupuncture does not hurt. In fact, you can barely feel their insertion into the skin. During treatment, you may sense a feeling of movement or spreading, or perhaps an achy or heavy sensation. Practitioners call this sensation de qi.
At the end of your session, you’ll likely feel deeply relaxed and calm.
To learn if it might be a good fit for you, schedule an appointment with Lisa online or over the phone today.